Spokane / Coeur d'Alene Bodyrubs (31 results)
Frequently asked questions
What should I expect during my first massage therapy visit?
You will be required to fill out a Client Intake Form. Afterward, the therapist will begin by askingyou general questions to establish what areas you would like worked on, if there are anyconditionsneedingtobeaddressed,anddetermineifmassageisappropriateforyou. Itisimportanttolistallhealthconcernsandmedicationssothetherapistcanadaptthesessionto your specific needs without doing any harm. It is also important to list any allergies so thetherapistisawareifhe/sheneedstouseadifferentoilorlotionduringthesession.
What is included in the session time?
A session consists of massage, time for you to dress and undress and time to communicate withthetherapisttomakeyourmassagefullytailoredtoyourneeds.Thisisdonetoensureeachandeverymassagesessionyoureceivematchesyourrequirements.
Do I have to be completely undressed?
You should undress to the level you are comfortable with. For a full body massage, most get completely undressed. However,if you will be more comfortable during the session leaving your underwear on, that is fine. The therapist will work around the clothes you left on as best as they can. If removing all your clothes makes you too nervous and unable to relax, then you are not getting the optimal benefit from the session. Your massage therapist will step out of the room to give you privacy to undress and get comfortable on the table.
Do I have to cover myself with a sheet or towel?
In Washington state draping is mandatory – it’s the law. Once you are undressed and on the table under the drape, the therapist will only uncover the part of your body being worked on. The genitals and breasts (women and men) will not be uncovered. If the therapist is going to work onawoman’sabdomen,a second sheet will be used to cover the breasts so the main sheet can be moved to expose the abdomen. However, with regards to nuru or body to body and the above mentioned massage techniques, exceptions are made.
5. How Can Massage Therapy Help You?
Massage,when performed by a qualified and professional practitioner, is very helpful for the alleviation of a range of physical and psychological ailments in several studies.
What should I expect during my first massage therapy visit?
A Client Intake Form. Following that, the therapist will ask you a series of questions to identify what areas you'd like worked on, whether any ailments need to be treated, and whether massage is appropriate for you.It's critical to disclose all medical issues and drugs so that thetherapistmaytailorthesessiontoyouruniquerequirementswithoutcausingharm.Itisalsoagood idea to identify any allergies so the therapist knows if a different oil or lotion is needed during the session.
What is included with in the consultation time?
Massage, time to get dressed and undress, and time to have interaction with the therapist to make your rub down truly tailored area llblanketedinaconsultation.This is performed to assure that each massage consultation meets or exceeds your expectations.
How long will a massage treatment last?
A full-body massage usually takes around an hour to complete. A half-hour appointment only provides enough time for a partial massage, such as neck and shoulders, back, or legs and feet. For maximum relaxation and therapeutic effects, many people choose a 60- to 90-minutesession.
What are the benefits?
The benefits of the exotic art of body massage are many. First up, it’s incredibly pleasurable. You’re in for a treat with a bottle of frictionless gel, a frisky masseuse/masseurand ample timeto get lost in her/his hypnotic touch! Massage therapy not only relieves stress, but it also relaxes sore and tired muscles. This type of massage therapy is also useful for eliminating toxins from the body and strengthening the sexual drive. It also boosts Mental Health and WellnessResearchsuggeststhatsymptomsofstress,anxiety,anddepression(allassociatedwithmentalhealth) may be directly affected by massage therapy.Pain can negatively affect a person’s quality of life and impede recovery from illness or injury. Recent findings highlight the role of massage in pain management.
When should I avoid getting a massage?
In general, there are a few conditions that would prevent you from getting a massage. You should not schedule an appointment if you are feeling unwell, have a fever, cold, or a skinconditionthatiscontagious.Thefirsttrimesterofpregnancyisgenerallyconsideredoff-limitsformassage, as are active chemotherapy or other intensive medical treatments. If you have a serious medical condition and you are unsure if a massage would be safe for you, massage therapists will recommend that you speak with your primary care provider to get approval first.